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Kerakoll - Geocalce Plaster Kg. 25
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GeoCalce Plaster Kg. 25
Certified breathable civil plaster, made with pure natural NHL lime and geobinder. This plaster is specifically designed for the restoration of brick, stone, mixed and tuff walls. It is ideal as a thick finishing plaster in certified systems of structural reinforcement, improvement and seismic adaptation.
Geocalce Intonaco is a highly breathable geomortar, with resistance class CS II according to EN 998‑1. It is designed for work on walls that require high vapor permeability. Safety and health are guaranteed by the first structural lime mortars which, in combination with Kerakoll reinforcement systems, improve the mechanical resistance of the existing masonry and guarantee greater structural safety of the building.
Thanks to the use of NHL lime and geobinder, the Geocalce line offers a low elastic modulus, which creates a perfect balance with the characteristic resistances of the different types of masonry. Respecting and satisfying applications on buildings undergoing historical restoration protected by the Superintendencies of Environmental and Architectural Heritage, the Geocalce line represents a combination of culture and tradition in the restoration sector.
Furthermore, Geocalce is natural bacteriostatic and fungistatic, offering additional protection for treated surfaces.