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Montolit - Thin slab disc for stoneware CSS100 with Tutorcut - Art. CSS100-TU
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Thin slab disc for CSS100 stoneware with Tutorcut - Art. CSS100-TU
Super-thin CSS diamond blades guarantee super-fast and burr-free dry cuts on Slim and Superslim slabs. Available in diameters 100 and 150 millimetres; the tool with a smaller diameter, for an angle grinder, must be used exclusively with TUTORCUT, the special guide plate (Montolit patent) which guarantees perfectly linear cuts and avoids any involuntary maneuver that could compromise the integrity of the diamond tool. The 150 diameter was expressly designed for use on the Moto Flash Line, the motorized track system for cutting large ceramic or stone slabs up to two centimeters thick.
Usage: wet and dry
Materials: thin porcelain stoneware slabs.
Applications: laying thin slabs
High speed
Finish: high
Duration: good
Dressable tool with abrasive stone art. 395B