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The "Waterproofing & Accessories" category of Archimedil srl is designed to provide customers with a wide range of products for the protection and repair of structures against water. We are proud to offer high quality products, tested and certified to ensure maximum effectiveness and durability.
Let's start with waterproofing products. Waterproofing mortar is an ideal solution for sealing and protecting concrete, brick and other material structures from moisture and water infiltration. The waterproofing mortar from Archimedil ecommerce - Online construction, with over 1000 reviews from Amazon and Ebay is easy to apply, resistant to bad weather and water, and provides long-lasting protection.
The waterproofing membrane is another effective solution for protecting structures from water. Waterproofing membranes come in different forms, such as sheets, liquids and sprays, and are designed to be applied to a wide range of surfaces, including concrete, asphalt, metals and wood. Waterproofing membranes are resistant to weather, water and abrasion, and provide long-lasting protection.
Waterproofing sealing tape is another effective solution for protecting structures from water. Sealing Tape is designed to be used in joints, crevices and other vulnerable areas to seal and protect against water. The sealing tape is easy to apply, weather and water resistant, and provides long-lasting protection.
Furthermore, Archimedil srl offers a wide range of waterproofing accessories to help customers complete their projects. Among these, you will find rollers for application , brushes for spreading the mortar, cutters for cutting the waterproofing membrane and much more. All accessories are high quality and designed to ensure easy and precise application.
Discover the complete range of waterproofing products & accessories from the official online building shop. You will find waterproofing & accessories at the best price. Shipping within 24 hours and secure payments.
Wingrip Bituminous: Under-tile waterproofing for flooring The Wingrip Bituminous Waterproofing and universal grip bridge for laying floors...
View full details2025 Liquid waterproofing membrane 20 kg red Liquid, coloured, water-based, walkable and highly resistant membrane for waterproofing and anti-...
View full detailsWingum PLUS H2O Reflex Guaina Liquida bianca riflettente Descrizione del prodotto: Impermeabilizzante liquido elastomerico bianco riflettente a b...
View full detailsRinfotex extra Index mt. 1 x 50 per Unolastic tessuto non tessuto rivestito Armatura in tessuto non tessuto in poliestere rivestito. Si stende e s...
View full detailsUnolastic Impermeabilizzante monocomponente colore grigio scuro Kg 20Con il suo impiego, UNOLASTIC impermeabilizzante monocomponente all’acqua, pro...
View full detailsBc seal band ml.10 cold self-adhesive perimeter butyl band Cold self-adhesive band based on butyl putty covered with non-woven fabric. The n...
View full details2025 Liquid waterproofing membrane 5 kg, grey Liquid, coloured, water-based, walkable and highly resistant membrane for waterproofing and anti-...
View full detailsWINGUM PLUS® H2O RAPID COMPLIANT WITH THE ETAG 005 GUIDELINE, LIQUIDS APPLIED AS WATERPROOFING Liquid waterproofing, water-based, fibre-rei...
View full detailsKerabuild Eco Ultracem Kg. 5 Eco-friendly waterproofing mortar, with instant setting and ultra-fast hardening, ideal for GreenBuilding. Kerabui...
View full details2025 Liquid Waterproofing Membrane 5 Kg Red Liquid, coloured, water-based, walkable and highly resistant membrane for waterproofing and ...
View full details2025 White waterproofing liquid membrane 5 kg Liquid, coloured, water-based, walkable and highly resistant membrane for waterproofing and an...
View full detailsEternoivica - Liquid Orizzontale/Laterale Telescopico TNT Scarico Orizzontale/Laterale Liquid Scopri il nostro scarico orizzontale/laterale Liqui...
View full detailsWinkler - Windband nastro adesivo bituminoso Nastro bituminoso preformato, autoadesivo e autoprotetto, ideale per sigillare, isolare, proteggere e ...
View full details2000 PLUS REFLEX kg.20 Pittura protettiva elastomerica all’acqua, di colore bianco riflettente, resistente al ristagno d’acqua Pittura Protettiva...
View full detailsArmatura in fibra di vetro agugliato gr. 300 (rotolo da kg.36 = ca. 120 mq) Il prodotto agugliato in fibra di vetro è composto da filamenti di vetr...
View full detailsTecnogum Finitura lt. 14 grigio, finitura per Sistema Tecnogum Tecnogum Finitura è il prodotto finale che viene steso a rullo in 2 mani dopo aver ...
View full detailsTecnogum impregnante kg. 15 per prima mano Sistema Tecnogum Impregnante/consolidante per la preparazione dei sottofondi prima della posa finale del...
View full detailsAngoli interno/esterno Proband HDPE per sistemi PRODESO, PROFOIL Angoli interni ed esterni pre-adesivati e con tassello di tenuta in polietilene r...
View full detailsOne grigio kg.1 Impermeabilizzante liquido di altissima qualità ONE® è un impermeabilizzante liquido colorato applicabile anche con temperature est...
View full detailsWinjoint band mt. 50 (h. 5 cm) Banda coprigiunto impermeabilizzante elastica Banda coprigiunto impermeabile costituita da copolimero termoplastico...
View full detailsWinkler - Wintechno Mat TNT reinforcement sheet GR.70 Mt.1 x 100 (suitable with Wingum Plus) Thermostabilized and chemically resistant polyester...
View full detailsSolvent-based primer for porous supports and metals Sika 3N Ml.250 Sika Primer-3 N: The single-component, solvent-based adhesion promoter for e...
View full detailsAdhesion promoter Aktivator 307 Ml.100 Transparent, all-weather, solvent-based adhesion promoter for bonding without black primer Sika Aktiv...
View full detailsSikalastic 612 balcony waterproofing Sikalastic 612 is a liquid waterproofing membrane, ideal for protecting surfaces such as roofs, terrace...
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