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Sika - Sika MonoSeal-101 kg. 20 white. Single-component waterproofing mortar with osmotic action
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Sika MonoSeal-101 kg. 20 white
Sika® MonoSeal-101 is a mixture of special cements and aggregates, with the addition of water-repellent synthetic products which, mixed with water, forms a waterproof mortar with osmotic action.
- Effective waterproofing intervention on existing structures.
- Quick and easy application with brush and spatula
- Suitable for contact with drinking water
Sika® MonoSeal-101 allows you to create rigid waterproofing on concrete and masonry surfaces. Suitable both where phenomena of humidity rising from the ground due to capillarity and water infiltration occur, and for waterproofing under positive or negative pressure. Sika® MonoSeal-101, in the white version, is suitable for contact with drinking water in compliance with Ministerial Decree n.174 of 04/06/2004 - DL 131 of 02/02/2001. Some typical examples of waterproofing with Sika® MonoSeal-101 are the following:
- cellars and basements
- elevator shafts
- drinking water tanks
- retaining walls
- tunnels and wells
- water containment tanks and cisterns
- Effective waterproofing intervention on existing structures.
- Quick and easy application with brush and spatula
- Suitable for contact with drinking water
- Ability to resist osmotic pressures caused by rising humidity from the subsoil or by the presence of stagnant water