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Kerakoll - Fugabella Color Decorative resin-cement for grouting tiles, mosaics and marble in 50 colors
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Fugabella Color Decorative resin-cement for grouting tiles, mosaics and marble in 50 colors
Decorative resin-cement for grouting tiles, mosaics and marble in 50 designer colours. Green product for green building. Fugabella Color is the revolutionary hybrid stucco for decorating any stoneware, mosaic and natural stone surface. It achieves characteristics of water repellency, very low water absorption, high surface hardness, high resistance to the most common acid substances and total color uniformity.
Three collections of 28 colors: Classic, Design and Colors. Ideal for decorating rectified slabs.
Suitable for porcelain stoneware, ceramics, low thickness slabs and natural stone, heated floors. Easy cleaning and maintenance.
Do not use for joints wider than 5 mm, in floors and walls where specific chemical resistance and total non-absorbency to water are required; for filling elastic expansion or fractionation joints; on highly deformable substrates, not perfectly dry and subject to rising damp.